all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU32 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU32 3AD 13 2 51.004442 -0.939364
GU32 3AB 2 2 51.004355 -0.942602
GU32 3AE 1 1 51.004079 -0.938988
GU32 3FD 19 0 51.004455 -0.939763
GU32 3AG 49 0 51.00412 -0.939543
GU32 3AH 4 0 51.005548 -0.946309
GU32 3AJ 15 2 51.004615 -0.941541
GU32 3AL 1 1 51.002544 -0.951251
GU32 3AN 16 9 51.004614 -0.944463
GU32 3AP 1 1 51.006795 -0.942988
GU32 3AQ 69 0 51.00511 -0.942599
GU32 3AR 1 1 51.005746 -0.944252
GU32 3AS 14 0 51.006143 -0.944385
GU32 3AU 8 0 51.005627 -0.935757
GU32 3AW 7 1 51.006264 -0.943539
GU32 3AX 32 0 51.005459 -0.948363
GU32 3AY 14 0 51.004637 -0.947911
GU32 3AZ 27 0 51.00416 -0.947865
GU32 3BA 38 0 51.006376 -0.947316
GU32 3BB 34 0 51.006925 -0.948444